How It Works

Our goal is to ensure a pleasant and professional atmosphere at your event, as well as the safety of the doves. The day of the event, a trained and experienced release coordinator will arrive at your event dressed appropriately for the occasion and on time – one hour before the release. Guests can admire a beautifully decorated basket of pure white doves as they arrive. Before your event, we arrange when you want the doves released and agree on a cue. If you wish, any photographer or videographer at your event will be informed of the cue beforehand, so the release can be photographed or filmed. The doves are then released by hand or from the basket to everyone’s delight. The doves will soar skyward and circle side by side producing a beautifully memorable sight.

Please note: The doves cannot be released indoors or shipped for self-release. The doves must be released well before nightfall to ensure ample time for their flight home during daylight. In the event of severe weather conditions such as heavy rain, snow, high winds or fog, the doves cannot be released and a complete refund will be issued in instances of inclement weather.